Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Say hello to Astoria Script, an elegant modern calligraphy font inspired by delicate inky hand lettering, gorgeous wedding calligraphy and trending minimal branding designs. ♥

Astoria Script is packed with two stylistic lowercase letter sets, two sets of premade beginning and ending lowercase swashes, double-letter ligatures for a natural lettering look, additional letter alternates and multilingual support.

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script

Astoria Modern Calligraphy Script


– ASTORIA SCRIPT FONT ( .otf and .ttf )

  • Astoria Script – regular font containing the 1st lowercase set and OpenType features

  • Astoria Script Alt – includes the lowercase stylistic alternates instead of the 1st set

  • Astoria Script Left Swashes – 1st set of beginning lowercase swashes

  • Astoria Script Right Swashes – 1st set of ending lowercase swashes

  • Astoria Script Left Swashes Alt – 2nd set of beginning lowercase swashes

  • Astoria Script Right Swashes Alt – 2nd set of ending lowercase swashes

  • ASTORIA SCRIPT WEB FONTS Astoria includes two sub-folders and files – WOFF and WOFF2, but feel free to convert the files using your favorite web font converter.

– 6 BONUS PREMADE LOGOS As a sweet bonus I\’ve included 6 bonus premade logo templates which come in vector Illustrator .aI, .eps and layered Photoshop .psd files.

Please note that the premade logo templates use the Astoria Script,otf font and two additional free fonts which you will need to download in order to use/edit the logo templates – the download links are included in the included PDF file.

– LANGUAGE SUPPORT Astoria script includes the following multi-lingual characters:

  • áăâäàāąåãæćčçċďđéěêëėèēęíîïìīįķğġĺľļłťţńňņñóöòőōøõŕřŗśšşßúûüùűūųůẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳźžż


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