Billy Smith a Signature Font Here I made this font with drawingpen 0.5, so that I can write my handwriting here. Billy Smith provides 176 ligature, which is useful for displaying this font to be like really writing with your own hands. I also added 2 alternative lowercase letters, to add the impression that this is truly like the original handwriting.
Billy Smith a Signature Font I recommend more for personal logos or brands that use fonts with signature font types. but this font can also be used for various projects such as invitations, stationery, social media, weddings, and can be combined with various types of serif fonts to perfect the project you want to work on.
Files included:
- Billy Smith.ttf
- Billy Smith.otf
- Billy Smith.woff
- Billy Smith Slant.ttf
- Billy Smith Slant.otf
- Billy Smith Slant.woff
Need to test words in this font? Just type the box below, and see what it looks like