Brendria Signature font. It has a elegant, classy look and beauty. It’s a great font for fashion, apparel projects, signature, album cover, logo, branding, magazine, social media, & advertisements, but also works great for other projects.
Highlight :
- 3 Fonts are provided in OTF, TTF & WOFF formats.
- Standard glyphs (Uppercase, Lowercase, Numeral & Punctions)
- Work on PC or Mac
- PUA Encoded Support
- Fonts include multilingual support for; ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß ¿ ¡
- No special software is required, The fonts can be opened and used in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.
Whats included :
- Brendria Signature OTF
- Brendria Signature TTF
- Brendria Signature WOFF
- Brendria Signature WOFF2
Thank you, Rometheme