Brugenfield LN64SNQ

Free Download Brugenfield LN64SNQ . This Brugenfield LN64SNQ is a premium resource shared for free at Textfonts . Brugenfield LN64SNQ does not require a premium account to download . Brugenfield LN64SNQ is compressed in zip or rar format , please use Winrar software to extract and use Brugenfield LN64SNQ **Brugenfield** is a modern serif display with a unique ligature. This typeface has been crafted with care to ensure a premium quality and luxurious feel. The binders make this typeface unique and stand out from regular serif fonts. It is suitable for logos, headlines, titles and various other formal forms such as invitations, labels, logos, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, labels or any kind of advertising purposes.
* OTF , TTF, WOFF Files
* Numbers and punctuation
* Multilingual
* Alternate
* PUA encoded
* Open type

We highly recommend using a program that supports the OpenType feature and the Glyphs panel such as many Adobe and Corel Draw applications, so that you can view and access all variations of Glyphs.

spacing: Normal
serifSansSerif: Serif
optimumSize: Any Size
Additions: isWebfont,


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