BVH Anto Plot Font Family

The starting point of the Anto family was our proposal in 2017 for the new visual identity of the contemporary art center Bétonsalon in Paris. We further developed it for La Chaire des Arts & Sciences institution in Paris one year later. Inspired by the somewhat brutal proportions of early sans-serif designs like the Monotype Grotesque Bold Extended typeface, we draw our first sketches for the Anto Plot style. At almost the same moment, we began to work in parallel on the Anto Rounded style. The idea was to create a type family with a wide variety of styles, all based on the same skeleton. Where the Anto Plot is voluntarily angular geometric, the Anto Rounded is smoother with a gentle expression. Subsequently, we created the experimental visual style of the Anto Plot Lab and the more informal Anto Mono versions.

BVH Anto Plot Font Family

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