Callifornia is stylish signature script font which support OpenType features and includes, numeral, punctuation, ligatures and it also supports multi-languages. This font is perfect for branding projects, logo, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, invitation, stationery and any projects that need elegant feel.
Callifornia features:
A full set of upper & lowercase characters
Numbers & punctuations
Multilingual language support
PUA Encoded Characters
Support for Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, InDesign or Adobe Photoshop
Support for MAC or WINDOWS
Callifornia features:
⚠️To enable the OpenType Stylistic alternates, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe InDesign & CorelDraw X6-X7, Microsoft Word 2010 or later versions. There are additional ways to access alternates/swashes, using Character Map (Windows), Nexus Font (Windows), Font Book (Mac) or a software program such as Pop Char (for Windows and Mac).
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Happy Designing…😊