Candler – Bubble Display Typeface W7L3SCF

**Hi Ladies and Gentleman ! Proudly present best signature font “Candler” for you business.

Candler – Bubble Typeface is a playful display typeface. Its design is inspired by the shapes of bubbles and Balloon. The font has a light, airy feel, perfect for creative projects.

Key Features Each character in Candler mimics a bubbly form. The round edges convey a soft and friendly vibe. This font is versatile, suitable for both digital and print media. It’s easy to read, making it great for headings and logos.


Standar character A-Z and a-z
Numberial and Functional

File include:

Candler OTF
Candler TTF

spacing: Normal
serifSansSerif: N/A
optimumSize: Any Size
Additions: hasDocumentation,

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