Chronicles Secret – Display Typewriter EX5WRNJ

**Chronicles Secret** – inspired by the rhythmic clatter of vintage typewriters, whispers tales of suspense and mystery. Its three distinct styles – angular, rounded, and smooth – offer a unique blend of typewriter charm and contemporary flair, ensuring a font for every narrative. Whether you seek the sharp precision of angular strokes, the inviting warmth of rounded curves, or the dreamy intrigue of blurred edges, Chronicles Secret empowers your design with a touch of vintage magic. Its diverse ligatures, echoing the intricate dance of typewriter keys, further enhance your typographic artistry.


– CF Chronicles Secret (.ttf, .otf & .woff)
– CF Chronicles Secret Rounded (.ttf, .otf & .woff)
– CF Chronicles Secret Blur (.ttf, .otf & .woff)
– All Ligature Characters


Most software readily supports the regular fonts within the package — To unlock the full potential of the extensive collection of standard ligatures (custom connected letters) found in the script font, you can use any software with OpenType font compatibility.

To generate all ligatures, please go open Adobe Illustrator – Type – Glyphs.

Please drop me a message if you have trouble regarding either installing or using this font.

🌟If you come across any issues or notice anything we might have overlooked while using this product, please feel free to reach out to us. We greatly value your feedback as it helps us enhance and refine our products. Thank you!spacing: Monospace
serifSansSerif: Serif
optimumSize: Large (Display / Poster)
Additions: isWebfont, hasDocumentation,


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