Free Download Farela LYUANFJ . This Farela LYUANFJ is a premium resource shared for free at Textfonts . Farela LYUANFJ does not require a premium account to download . Farela LYUANFJ is compressed in zip or rar format , please use Winrar software to extract and use Farela LYUANFJ The Farela font is a serif ligature font that has an attractive elegant appearance. You can use this font in vintage, classic, and retro designs. This font gives a beautiful, classy and luxurious feel to your designs. This font is perfect for projects such as logos, branding, fashion, magazines, labels, posters, album covers and many more.

This font features
* Open Type Format (OTF),
* Kerning,
* Ligature Style,
* Alternative Style,
* Numeral, Symbol and Multilingual Supports.

To use the alternate and ligature features, please look in the Glyph Panel / Character Map in your software to be able to access all the glyphs in this font. The ligature style in this font is simply “Standard Ligature”, meaning it appears automatically. To set your desired letter binding, you can block letters or add them from the glyph panel. Thank you!spacing: Normal
serifSansSerif: Serif
optimumSize: Any Size


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Password Unzip : Textfonts.net
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