Hand Stamp Slab Serif Rough Mix Font

Important! Please note that this font might render slowly due to the high details!

The type­face “Hand Stamp Slab Serif Rough” is desi­gned for the Typo Gra­phic Design font foundry in 2017 by Manuel Vier­gutz. The dis­play font with a clas­sic slab serif type for head­lines, based on real rub­ber stamp let­ters for a authen­tic, rough & dirty used stamp-style by hand.

Vintage-look plus state-of-the-art automatic generated OpenType-features (like contextual alter­na­tes (calt)). That loo­ped auto­ma­ti­cally the 5 dif­fe­rent let­ter vari­ants for an indi­vi­dual, varied look. Just a natu­ral hand­made cha­rac­ter.

For use in logos, maga­zi­nes, pos­ters, adver­ti­se­ment plus as web­font for deco­ra­tive head­lines. The font works best for dis­play size.

1031 gly­phs with 5× A–Z, 0–9 & a–z and 70 deco­ra­tive extras like arrows, ding­bats, sym­bols, geo­ma­tric shapes, catch­words and many alter­na­tive let­ters. A range of figure set opti­ons like old­style figu­res and addi­tio­nally deco­ra­tive liga­tures (type the word “love” for ? … ), Ver­sal Eszett (Ger­man Capi­tal Sharp S) and sym­bols & emojis.

Hand Stamp Slab Serif Rough Mix FontHand Stamp Slab Serif Rough Mix FontHand Stamp Slab Serif Rough Mix Font


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