Introducing HONDURHAS , a new concept that combined script uppercase with serif lowercase for display purposes. Come up with many playful alternates, so you could mix n match for your needs. Still not good enough? Hondurhas also came up with layered system. 07 FONTS TOTAL !. Because we believe, more layer is more fun. With all those fact, this font is perfect for your many design projects, such as Flyer, Logo Design, Badge, Packaging, Invitation and more.
- Hondurhas Regular OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Expanded OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Outline Shadow OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Extrude Shadow OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Engraved OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Engraved Two OTF & TTF
- Hondurhas Engraved Full OTF & TTF
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