**Just Shemy** is a captivating handwritten signature font with an elegant touch. With its thin, monoline style, this font brings forth the beauty of natural handwriting. Each ink stroke appears so authentic, making Just Shemy Font the perfect choice for projects that require a personal and creative touch. With its luxurious simplicity, this font will captivate the eye and provide unmatched grace to your designs.
**What Includes?**
*TTF, OTF, WOFF (Webfont)
*Standard alphabet and punctuation
*Ligature Feature
*Works on PC & Mac
*Simple installations
*PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software.
*Multilingual Support: Afrikaans, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish, Scots), German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Saami (Southern), Spanish, Swahili, Swedish.serifSansSerif: N/A
optimumSize: Any Size
Additions: isWebfont, hasDocumentation,