Kordeva J8REJNQ

Free Download Kordeva J8REJNQ . This Kordeva J8REJNQ is a premium resource shared for free at Textfonts . Kordeva J8REJNQ does not require a premium account to download . Kordeva J8REJNQ is compressed in zip or rar format , please use Winrar software to extract and use Kordeva J8REJNQ is a font with a new challenge for the world full of artificial intelligence in this era.
so we as font designers keep fighting not to lose with that. we do our best to continue to empower humans as the greatest gift from God. so we created the font with so much thought that even machines could never match it.

This font has the theme of strength, specifically for products that are strong and sturdy. the shape of the character is not easy to imitate, even in the class of an artificial intelligence machine.

we challenge the Machines as it was filmed in “Terminator Salvation”, where Human figures are erased in Their minds (Artificial Intelligence Robots)

let’s fight with passion in this 2023 era until the end.spacing: Normal
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
optimumSize: Large (Display / Poster)
Additions: isWebfont, hasDocumentation,


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