Minted Mood | Font duo

Minted mood is signature handwritten, easy to use, naturally from handmade. Come with unique character, with vibe of real lettering make the a lot of ligature, alternated make the signature style perfect. This is perferct for branding, logo, headline, save the date ideas, Upscale, and handcrafted concept.

Minted Mood | Font duoMinted Mood | Font duoMinted Mood | Font duoMinted Mood | Font duoMinted Mood | Font duo

Minted font contains following ligatures, please typing ligatures on type feature, feel the unique

Al at acc aff ahh all alt and atl att azz aa ab ac af ag ah aj ak al am an ao ar as az bb bj bl ccc cii coo ca cb cc cd cf ci ck cl co cz dd eat aff ell eme emp end ent ess est eth ett ee eg ej el em en er es ey ez fb ff fj goo gg gh gi gj gl go gr gt he hh hi hj ht hu iik ika ill imm imt inn int ios irr ia ie ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir it iz jj jk kj kk lj lm mj ml ns oak off ont ook ott oa ob od of ch oj ok ol oo os ot ow ph pp pr rs sj tht tt th ti ts ukr unt uk un ut zl ll ed ant mm nn ss oh

Minted also includes full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation. combine with Modular font is perfect macth for any project, handcrafted, logo, save the date, logo, signature logo, unique quote

Inside the pack

  • Mood.otf
  • Mood.ttf
  • Minted Signature.otf
  • Minted Signature.ttf

Thanks & happy designing

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