Rosart & Fleisch™ ALCHEMY Symbol Set Font

Alchemy Symbols – Turns A Design into Gold

part of the Rosart & Fleisch™ Hi Res Series

From labeling your cupboard of magical ingredients to getting one step closer to the golden goose, these rare alchemical symbols are a treasure trove of possibilities. Including:

• classic symbols for elements
• combinations
• medicinals
• chemistry
• mathematical symbols
• Includes music symbols for titling, as well as Verse and Response symbols.
• Over 100 symbols included!

Sourced from high-resolution pictures and scans of the Enschede 1768 specimen, specimens of the 1800s, the 1908 and 1978 metal re-castings.


Love Rosart & Fleisch™ Alchemy and wish there was more like it? It’s Part of our Rosart & Fleisch™ Hi Res series! Check out our store for more options.

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