Free Download Shantay Handwritten Font FRPVLFT . This Shantay Handwritten Font FRPVLFT is a premium resource shared for free at Textfonts . Shantay Handwritten Font FRPVLFT does not require a premium account to download . Shantay Handwritten Font FRPVLFT is compressed in zip or rar format , please use Winrar software to extract and use Shantay Handwritten Font FRPVLFT **Hi Ladies and Gentleman !**
Proudly present bold script font “Shantay”.
Every single curve has my personality touch. It is great for making logotype, branding, promotional ads, quotes design, packaging, merchandise, poster, merchandise, social media and much more. Shantay is here to make your work or your business to high level!!!
Standart letter A-Z and a-z
Alternate and ligature
**File included:**
*Shantay OTF
*Shantay Swashes OTF
*Shantay TTF
*Shantay Swashes TTF
*Shantay WOFF
*Shantay Swashes WOFF
**Thank you and enjoy!**spacing: Normal
serifSansSerif: N/A
optimumSize: Any Size
Additions: isWebfont,