Amelia Signature 2306029

Introducing the new Amelia Signature font script. which is fashionable and super-cool with some extra stylish features.

The Font Amelia Signature is created to look as close as possible to a handwritten script by entering 50 ligatures, and a set of uppercase letters for lowercase. With Opentype features built in.

Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029Amelia Signature 2306029

It\’s highly recommended to use it in opentype chime software – there are many out there right now because the technology captures with design … In addition to Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign, many of the standard simple programs now come with Opentype capabilities – even the most basic ones though. such as Apple TextEdit, Pages, Keynote, iBooks Author, etc. Even Word has found a way to combine it.


  • Amelia Signature.otf
  • Amelia Signature.ttf


The fonts can be opened and used in any software that can read standard fonts – even MS Word. No special software is required , and a friendly little help file is included to get you started 🙂

For folks who DO have opentype capable software : The alternates are accessible by turning on \’Stylistic Alternates\’ and \’Ligatures\’ buttons on in Photoshop\’s Character panel, or via any software with a glyphs panel, e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop CC, Inkscape.

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